Some days I just can't life .....
Some days I just can't life ..... and the other day was definitely one of them. I started feeling this earlier in the week but did a pretty decent job of warding it off. Plus I had the kids coming AND I got to Zumba with my fave instructor ever so my energy was a little more balanced. Then Thursday hit and I literally wanted to lay in bed and pull a blanket over my head and NOT LIFE. Everything felt hard. Everything felt prickly. Everything made me cry. And then I would find myself in this cycle of crying and anger, crying and anger, crying and anger. It was just a shite day in general and I know we are allowed those, but I needed to write to get to source of where this was all coming from. I needed to find out why in that particular moment, life was so overwhelming I didn't feel like I could do it anymore. Nothing had changed from the previous week - other than the impending due date of report cards - so what exactly was it? I try my best to sit with my emotions when they co...