What do you do with anger?

I have found myself in states of anger quite frequently lately and I'm always blown away by how powerful the anger feels and then my body's reaction to these feelings. I personally don't think I handle anger well because I usually just end up crying - or maybe that is a good way of handling the anger? I remember over my years with Clarissa telling her frequently that anger is just the surface emotion - it's just the immediate reaction to something else. Perhaps that something else is pain or sadness or hurt and then these raw feelings come out as anger because often times it's easier to feel angry than it is to sit in the real, raw feelings that anger is covering up. Somedays I am finding myself angry at the universe for bringing me "here". Other days I am finding myself angry at Clarissa for so many reasons. When I am finding myself angry at the universe, I can usually get through it really quickly because I know I'm not really angry. Likely I'm...